• Longyao County Xiangyuan Auto Parts Co., Ltd.!

Hot key words:Brake drum   Hub   Brake pads

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Manager Lv:0086-13831914368
Manager Li:0086-15131910018
Post Code:055350


No. 12, A3, gucheng industrial park, longyao county, xingtai city, hebei province.

Company dynamics

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·  What is the meaning of wheel hub before and after matching?2020.12.01
·  What is the material of a car brake drum?2020.11.27
·  Why brake discs shouldn't be Ignored:2020.11.27
·  What are the inspection methods for brake disc wear?2020.11.24
·  What is the difference between brake shoes, brake pads and brake drums?2020.11.24
·  Is it normal for the brake disc to rust?2020.11.13
·  What are the categories of brake drums?2020.11.13
·  How to determine whether the brake disc needs to be replaced2020.04.08
·  How to prevent the brake disc from contracting loose2020.04.08
·  Design requirements of brake drum2020.03.16
·  Rear brake drum manufacturer2020.03.16
·  The brake disc will deform when it is watered, but what about when it suddenly rains while running a2020.02.28
·  The brakes are rusted. Does it matter?2020.02.28
·  How to adjust the brake clearance caused by the thinning of brake pad?2020.02.24
·  The difference between wheel hub and brake drum2020.02.24
·  The brake drum is burning red. Don't say that the tires are not easy to use!2020.02.19
·  Is disc brake better than drum brake? Why don't big trucks use disc brakes?2020.02.19
·  The brake disc manufacturer tells you: why can't you step on the brake frequently2020.02.14
·  What are the causes of brake drum cracking2020.02.14
·  What is the reason for the formation of air holes in the brake disc?2020.02.06
·  What is the standard thickness of the brake disc2020.02.06
·  What symptom can brake drum appear broken?2020.02.03
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